The astrologer must know when rectification of the birth time is needed and what is to be accomplished by the search. The client should provide much helpful information when given specific leads to follow from family sources to newspaper announcements, in addition to the dozen or more dates (even times) of major life events. It is important for the astrologer to determine the scope of rectification (minutes or hours) and provide the client with a cost estimate. Among the modern western techniques for moving the chart, the astrologer determines the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd tier strategies to bring the birth time (and appropriate astrological significators) into alignment with actual life events. Study for part 3 includes:

• Consultation strategies for quickly getting to the heart of the matter; combining multiple methodologies for effective interpretation: first, second and third tier strategies
• How to research background information prior to beginning rectification.
• Realistically determining the scope of the rectification search and determining a reasonable fee for your efforts.
• Applying multiple movement techniques to align appropriate chart astrological significators to actual life events.

The lab provides dedicated hands-on practice.