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Course description: Many who work with transits, progressions, directions, or other methods of moving the chart in time find it difficult to synthesize all the different factors or choose the right tool to answer a specific question. This course provides practice in chart interpretation and synthesis to understand unfolding
chart themes and life events and identify future significant times in a native’s life.

Students will use techniques such as transits, progressions, directions, returns, eclipses, moon phases, relocation, lifetime declinations, sign changes, and other techniques learned in W110 and W111. For their final, students will provide a cold-reading for a volunteer client.

  • Students will practice
    • Responding to the most common client questions and issues, including
    • Relationship status
    • Career situation
    • Financial concerns
    • Health issues
    • Family concerns
    • Electing the date and time for an important event

Course name: W113A Practicum: Applied forecasting in the client session  

Instructors: Anne Ortelee

Course length: 5 weeks

Course cost: $295

Required Books:

No text or outside materials are required in 113

Optional reference texts:

J Lee Lehman, PhD Classical Solar Returns 

Carole Beckham, Cycles of Opportunity 

Andre Barbault, Planetary Cycles

Alexander Ruperti, Cycles of Becoming

Pre-requisite W110 or proof of equivalent training

W112A or W113A Required for the Professional Diploma

Weekly topics:

1.    Consult preparation

2.    Week 2 Cold Readings & Mini Consultations

3.    Using the right tool for the job

4.    Your Live ... Consultations

5.    Consultation Review

Instructor bio:

Anne Ortelee is a certified astrologer by ISAR-CAP, AMAFA, NCGR-PAA Level 3 and OPA. She started to study astrology in 1994 and in 2001 became a full-time astrologer. Since May 1995, she’s volunteered for NYC’s NCGR Chapter and other astrology organizations. Anne is currently the Treasurer for OPA and IAEA and on the Board of the CG Jung Foundation. Since December 1998, Anne’s lectured at astrology conferences including UAC 2012 and 2018. She writes a regular column, twitters daily aspects to over 70,000 people and offers three weekly podcasts about astrology.

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