What happens when we find the most personal planet in the house of transformation, imprisonment, and unseen enemies? We find emotionally centered wizards working behind the scenes.

Each planet represents a need and the primary one for the Moon is to be safe, be nurtured, and nurtured. The Moon needs emotional relating –based upon the element of the moon -but how does it relate when found in one of the most maligned and misunderstood houses? Join Michael on Saturday, April 23rd from 9-11 am PST while he sheds some light on this most occult place in the chart. Whether you have a 12th house moon or know others who do, this workshop will provide you with the tools necessary to deepen, understand and unlock the hidden wizard self within!

In this interactive workshop, you are invited to share your natal chart in order to identify and align with the opportunities you have to manifest your maverick power to change yourself and the world. Michael will identify Maverick placements, reviewing participants’ astrological birth charts while synthesizing his knowledge of angular planets, astrology and Core Energetics.

He will then ask questions to see how you use the energies and then provide mantras, practices and/or other guidance and support to encourage your more natural individual flow.

Participants are limited to 75.

Please note: Michael will read as many charts as he can during the time period, but anyone who doesn't receive a reading during the workshop is welcome to email Michael with their chart/birth information and he will respond with a written response.

Have you learned enough traditional astrology to figure out there must be something more? Have you ever wanted to learn esoteric astrology, but were overwhelmed by the complicated language and ideas?

Using visual imagery, intellectual and energetic understandings, Michael presents the Alice Bailey and Djwal Khul material in a way that is more easily accessible and digestible for esoteric students of any level.  Michael encourages participants offer their personal charts as illustrative examples as well as ask questions, interact and explore the deep waters of this oft misunderstood, vast body of wisdom. Each of the workshops is a building block for gaining synthesized comprehension of soul centered astrology.

Do you have a planet conjunct an angle – AS/DS, IC/MC? Are you working with these powerful energies or are they working you? This 120-minute workshop will dive into the ways in which angular planets work and how to use them for your --and their-- highest expression. Yes, it can be win-win!