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Course description:

Beyond basic interpretation of planets, signs, houses, and aspects, this course introduces students to techniques that clarify, or modify the chart interpretation to identify major life themes. Students learn the lineage of techniques and their modern practice, plus any controversy, to better understand the diversity of traditions in the 21st-century astrology community. The W102 course focuses on modifying the natal planet expression, taking interpretation from “cookbook” memorization to nuanced and personalized interpretation.

Topics covered include: 

  • Explore the range of philosophical purposes for natal chart interpretation
  • Compare house systems to identify those suited for regular use from other more traditional or situation-specific.
  • Explore how decans and dwads personalize planet sign and degree placement
  • Interpret natal moon phases and lunar nodes to reveal areas of growth
  • Examine the harmonic foundation of aspects with major and minor aspects
  • Identify major life themes of planets in close aspect by longitude and declination, as well as in close aspect configurations
  • Personalize interpretation with sensitive points such as Arabic parts, solstice points, decans and dwads, midpoints, Aries point, and the vertex.
  • Explore how major asteroids, dwarf planets, and 8 notable fixed stars add interpretative detail

By the end of W102, students will have developed the skills necessary for evaluating chart information and identifying the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches. They will be able to synthesize the core astrological components and modify information into a coherent and meaningful interpretation without relying on outside resources.

Course name: W102 Fundamentals II: Alternate Tools

Instructors: Carol Tebbs and Enid Newburg

Course length: 10 weeks

Course cost: $590

Required Books:

- Burk, Kevin, Understanding the Birth Chart

- George, Demetra, Astrology and the Authentic Self, Ibis Press, FL, 2008, 304 pps.

- Hand, Robert, Horoscope Symbols, Whitford Press, Atglen, PA, 1981, 362 pps.

Pre-requisite: W101 or equivalent

*Required for the Professional Diploma

Weekly topics:

1. Week 1: Overview & Chart Interpretation Goals

2. Comparison of House Systems

3.  Moon Phases (General Life Focus) and Lunar Nodes

4. Classical to Modern Crossover – Decans, Dwads and Degrees

5. Major and Minor Aspects as Harmonics

6. Multiple Aspects: Configurations and Aspect Networks

7. Aspects in Declination Reinforce Aspects in Longitude

8. Minor Bodies: Asteroids, Dwarf Planets, and Fixed Stars

9. Other Sensitive Points Add Nuance to the Basics

10. Open Book Exam and Interpretation Challenge

Instructor bios:

Carol A. Tebbs, MA. Carol Tebbs attended Whittier College earning both BA and MA degrees in English, and shortly after, an MEd in Education. She was President of Kepler College from 2003-2006. Her 38 years of teaching Advanced Placement English to students receiving university credits is combined with her extensive Leadership Team experience in a large urban school district. As three-time Accreditation Team Leader, Technology Grant Author, District Writing Program Coordinator, and District Mentor Teacher charged with training new teachers, Ms. Tebbs' experience and knowledge of the many facets of higher education complement her recent work with the College Board as a "writing assessment reader" and AP teacher trainer.

Recognized as 1999 Wal-Mart "Teacher of the Year", and 2000 District Teacher of the Year, Ms. Tebbs is annually noted in Who's Who in Education and Who's Who in the World. Ms. Tebbs recently published The Complete Book of Chart Rectification. Ms. Tebbs is also well recognized in the astrological community for over 30 years of community service as 3 terms ISAR President and 22 years on the Board; UAC Co-founder, Board member, Board Chair, and UAC '95 Coordinator. Her books include Beyond Basics: Moving the Chart in Time and Beyond Basics: Tools for the Consulting Astrologer.

Carol is an instructor in: 

  • L201A Astrology in Sacred Literature: Western Traditions
  • L201B Astrology in Sacred Literature: Eastern Traditions
  • W102 Fundamentals II: Interpretation Tools
  • W110 Fundamentals V: Predicting Major Life Circumstances
  • W111A Introduction to Advanced Predictive Techniques
  • W112A Practicum: Applied Rectification and Unification of Forecasting Techniques
  • W112B Practicum: Advanced Rectification (6 to 24-hour search)


Enid Newberg, MA Whole Systems Design. Enid has been a librarian, astrologer, childbirth educator, paralegal, IT and web developer and trainer, entrepreneur, administrator, and teacher.

 In 1993, Enid became involved in the dream of creating an academic college where astrology would be openly taught and joined the board of Kepler College. She was president of the College as it opened from 2000-2001 and again from 2007-2019. In 2013, her interest in preserving and expanding an understanding of our astrological heritage led her to help establish the Alexandria iBase Project.

 Enid particularly enjoys introducing students to the dynamic aliveness of an astrological chart. She is also fascinated by astrology's history and philosophy as well as its intersection with magic, spirituality, and culture. She loves to teach and use astrology to help clients find creative insights.

Enid is an instructor in:

  • The Bridge Course for Astrological Fundamentals
  • E520A Psyche and Soul: The Astrology of Identity and Character
  • E520B Astrologies of Soul: Calling and Vocation
  • E520C The Recurring and Evolving Soul 2nd ed.
  • M100 Chart Construction
  • W101 Fundamentals I: Introduction
  • W102 Fundamentals II: Interpretation Tools

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